For over 20 years, Anime Expo has striven to showcase the best of Japanese animation, art, and culture.
We are excited to debut the new digital face of Anime Expo along with our new registration system. Together, we hope that these will create a better experience for you.
New Features Include:
- Sleek New Interface: Not only is the new website nice and shiny; it’s easier to navigate and things are now easier to find!
- Staff Volunteer Blog: Members of our wonderful staff volunteer community will talk about behind-the-scenes preparation for AX throughout the year, as well as share some fun stories and anecdotes.
- Improved Contact Forms: Technical issues with previous website’s contact form are now fixed and our new contact form is now working smoothly.
And as promised. . .
- New Registration with Eventbrite
- In 2015, we will be be able to process badge pick-ups much faster. As an industry leader, Eventbrite will provide an excellent experience for our attendees throughout the registration process.
- If you have any questions about this transition, please click here to learn more.
- In 2015, we will be be able to process badge pick-ups much faster. As an industry leader, Eventbrite will provide an excellent experience for our attendees throughout the registration process.
What’s next?
In the next coming weeks, expect to see more content and information available on the website– both in the staff volunteer blog and in the pages listed in “Explore.” Official Hotel Block information is coming March 2nd. Then, in the spring, look forward to guest announcements, as well as Industry and Press registration.