The Cosplay Senpai Program handpicks Cosplayers who have shown community support and outreach through positivity both at conventions and in the online world. They are invited to come and promote fun, passion, and acceptance within the cosplay community through panels and discussions. The Cosplay Senpai are always open to answering questions, giving advice, and talking with attendees; they can be found in the Entertainment Hall.
Anime Expo advocates the idea that cosplay is for everyone --no matter what size, gender, age, religion, shape, color, or even species. Cosplay is all about having fun! The Cosplay Senpai help support our mission to promote the message that anyone and everyone can cosplay.
To do this, the AX Cosplay Senpai are expected to:
If you think you or someone you know might be a good fit for our Cosplay Senpai Program, please send us a message via our Contact Form, with "Cosplay" selected as the topic. Please be sure to tell us who you are suggesting and explain why you think he/she/they/you might be a good fit for our Cosplay Senpai Program.
Kaye Cosplay is an award-winning costume designer, craftsmanship judge, panelist, content creator, & plus-size body positivity representative.
Nyanbifairy is a nonbinary cosplayer and anime hairstylist based in Los Angeles. They are best known for their Tokyo Mew Mew cosplays and for being a “hair wizard”.
Phil Mizuno is a Canadian cosplayer who is pursuing his passion for cosplay to help inspire others. He has been cosplaying for 6 years.
Project Nautilus, Puerto Rico cosplayer/fabricator Sean Sumagaysay, builds screen accurate Godzilla suits to recreate their Toho film style.
Echow is a cosplayer from Indonesia. She has 15 years of experience in the field, and is passionate about creating finely crafted costumes.
Nomes is a UK-based cosplayer who meddles in less-explored corners of cosplay, such as extreme wig styling, puppetry and prosthetic make up work.
Jihatsu is a Midwest cosplayer, who is following his belief that cosplay is what you make it and is pursuing his passion to show others through positivity and creativity. Jihatsu has been cosplaying for just over 10 years, and currently lives and creates his cosplays in Bedford, Texas.
Are you considering a job related to Cosplay and Conventions? Come and talk to cosplayers in diverse fields (wardrobe assistant, social media, voice acting). To talk about how to break into the work force with your special skill, what the industry is like, how to make a resume and why your skills are valuable!
We are a group of African American women dedicated to promoting the freedom of cosplay by showcasing and empowering all the gamer/nerd/geek/cosplayer within us all. We welcome all fans, girls and guys of different backgrounds to come meet the lovely ladies of Chocolate Covered Cosplay for an open and honest dialogue on con culture and see what the ladies of C3 are all about!
The art of building a Cosplay following can be daunting. But have no fear, for your Senpai are here! Come join our fantastic Cosplay Senpai to learn about establishing your social media presence as a Cosplayer and more!
From foundation to contacts and wig care to fake beards, come and learn all about makeup! We will cover the basics of learning about powders and pencils and then teach you how to transform into characters with special effect techniques! A live demonstration and Q&A included!
Echow Ecko, Jihatsu, Nomes Cosplay, Kaye Cosplay, Nyanbifairy, Project NAUTILUS, Phil Mizuno
Echow, Jihatsu, Kaye Cosplay, Nomes Cosplay, Nyanbifairy, Phil Mizuno, Project NAUTILUS, and VEGA Cosplay
Amber Arden, Amber Kohaku Chan, Jihatsu, Kaye Cosplay, Kiss a Frog Cosplay, Little Sprite Cosplay, Nipah, Peyton Cosplay, Phil Mizuno, and Utahime
Amber Arden, Amber Kohaku Chan, Joo Skellington, Kiss a Frog Cosplay (Alicia Renaé), Little Sprite Cosplay, QueersPlay, Steff Von Schweetz, Utahime
Amber Arden, Corgi Cosplay, Dustbunny, Kiss a Frog Cosplay, Little Sprite Cosplay, Queersplay, Steff Von Schweetz, Stella Chuu
Stella Chuu, Dustbunny, Joshua Hart, WindoftheStars, Aicosu, VAMPY BIT ME, Garnet Runstar, Steff Von Schweetz, Corgi Cosplay, Chocolate Covered Cosplay, Queersplay
Aicosu, Chocolate Covered Cosplay, Chubear, Dustbunny, Futange, Garnet Runestar, Kiba the Corgi, VAMPY BIT ME, WindoftheStars
Aicosu, Chocolate Covered Cosplay, Futange, Giada Robin, VAMPY BIT ME, WindoftheStars
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